OCTOVOLT//Eurorack Modules for Audio and Video

Eurorack Modules Coming Soon

Octovolt will begin offering DIY kits for Eurorack synthesizer modules in February of 2024.


Octovolt will be releasing a number of Eurorack modules over the coming months. The first module is Recollections, a voltage memory module offering 8 output channels across 16 steps, 16 banks and 16 modules for a total of 32,768 recallable voltages. It may be quickly reconfigured on-the-fly to function in many different ways. It can be a live performance controller, a sequencer, a track-and-hold, a sample-and-hold, a random voltage generator, or all of these at the same time and in conjunction with each other. The data is stored on an SD card for later recall, and the storage files are easy to read and edit.

The user interface consists of 8 output jacks, 3 input jacks, a button, a knob and 16 illuminated keys in a 4×4 grid. These keys are illuminated in a variety of colors, and the user interface uses a color-coded system to keep it simple and intuitive. These colors may be changed according to one’s needs within a configuration file on the SD card.

A draft version of the module’s user manual is available now.

Recollections will be initially released as a DIY kit, but fully assembled modules will be available shortly afterward. The circuit board is designed to offer a great deal of flexibility in how it is assembled. The project is entirely open source / open hardware and hosted on GitHub.

Recollections Expansion

A 4hp expander module for Recollections will be available shortly afterward, which will offer MIDI control as well as gate inputs to reverse the direction of the sequence and advance through the 16 banks, enabling the creation of longer sequences.

Octovolt YouTube Channel

Additionally, the initial content is almost ready for the Octovolt channel on YouTube. The videos will include both basic overviews and deeper explorations of the functionality of all the Octovolt Eurorack modules.

Future Eurorack Modules

A few more Eurorack modules are in development as well, so please stay tuned for updates! I'm very hopeful that two new video modules will be available very soon.

You can follow Octovolt on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook. I will always announce new DIY modules in the Eurorack DIY Facebook group and any video modules will be announced at Scanlines.

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