OCTOVOLT//Eurorack Modules for Audio and Video

Octovolt YouTube Channel

The Octovolt YouTube channel is up and running with my first video about Recollections, my first module for Eurorack synthesizer systems.

Recollections is a voltage memory module, with 8 outputs and 16 banks of 16 presets held in memory. Further, an additional 16 “modules” of 16 banks may be loaded from an SD card, allowing Recollections to save and recall up to 32,768 voltages.

The first video on the Octovolt YouTube channel is a demo patch highlighting only a small slice of the wide range of functionality Recollections offers. While some basic functionality is covered briefly, the emphasis of the video is the use of Recollections as a sequencer and editing the channel settings to produce random voltages in tandem with intentionally set voltages, both at the channel and the sequence step level. Further, the video covers the creation of sequence variations through the use of banks and demonstrates how to copy one bank to another as a starting point for variations.

While I'm certainly a beginner at video production, but I'm pretty happy with the results. The entire demo video was shot on an iPhone, but I did use some professional lighting that was loaned to me by my good friend Raymond at Daigle Digital. However, I still haven’t been able to get the colors of the 16 illuminated keys to look like they do in real life. This is something I'll continue to explore and work to improve as I produce more videos.

I'm planning to publish many more videos for Recollections and my other forthcoming modules in the coming weeks and months. If you are looking for more information on Recollections in the meantime, please take a look at the user manual, which goes into a great amount of detail. Further, if you want to see the current state of the code and hardware, please see the GitHub repository.

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